Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM) organizes the 3rd International Conference on Informatics, Engineering Science and Technology (INCITEST 2020), which will be held in UNIKOM Campus, Bandung on 2 April 2020. INCITEST 2020 presents "Humanized Technology, the Digital Journey to Win Competition" as its main theme. In response to the crisis of digital attention where our society has partly been taken off by technology, the high dependence on technology starts to erode individual's mental health, democracy, social relationship, and our children. We are entering the society 5.0 who are expected to be able to address and provide approaches to reduce these negative aspects and at the same time are aiming for a prosperous human-centered society. Therefore, it is crucial to realign technology with the best interests of humanity. In this connection, INCITEST 2020 invites researchers, industries, practitioners, students, lecturers from related fields to contribute their papers and works to be presented at our forthcoming conference. It is hoped that the conference outcome will contribute to answer our global challenge — in which all elements of society are expected to play a leading role, involving the creation of innovation to win competition in digitalized world with more humanized way.
1. Informatic and Information system
- IT Audit
- Software Engineering
- Big Data and Data Mining
- Internet Of Thing (IOT)
- Game Development
- IT Management
- Computer Network and Security
- Mobile Computing
- Security For Mobile
- Decision Support System
- Web and Cloud Computing
- Accounting Information system – Animation and Multimedia
2. Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Sensors and Trandusers
- Signal, Image, Audio and Video processing
- Communication and Networking
- Robotic, Control and Automation
- Fuzzy and Neural System
- Artificial Intelligent
3. Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs
- Application of Entrepreneurship in the field of Computerized Accounting
- Application of Entrepreneurship in the field of Architecture engineering
- Application of Entrepreneurship in the field of Electrical Engineering
- Application of Entrepreneurship in the field of Industrial Engineering
- Application of Entrepreneurship in the field of Urban & Regional Planning
- Application of Entrepreneurship in the field of Civil Engineering
- Application of Entrepreneurship in the field of Informatics Engineering System
- Application of Entrepreneurship in the field of Information System
- Application of Entrepreneurship in the field of Computer Engineering
- Technopreneur and Information Communication Technology (ICT)
4. Architecture, Urban & Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering
- Building Science, Project Management, Infrastructure and Regional Growth
- Digital Technology for Design and Planning
- Transportation
- Heritage and Tourism and Sustainable Architecture
- Disaster Management
- Smart and Sustainable Infrastructure
- Structural Engineering
- Urban and Regional Planning
5. Industrial Engineering
- Quality Engineering & Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Operation Research
- Decision Support System and Artificial Intelligent
- Production System
- Industrial Management – Ergonomic
6. Sciences
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Material Sciences
- Chemistry
- Prof. Ryo Takahashi - Sendai University, Japan
- PD Dr. Andreas Ufen - German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Germany
- Prof. Hiroyuki Iida - Japan advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Prof. Shang Chao Hung - Fuzhou Polytechnic, China
- Prof. Nursuriati Jamil - University Technology MARA, Malaysia
- Prof. Hideaki Kanai - Japan Advenced Institute of Science and Technology
- Dr. Eng. Farid Triawan - Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
- Prof. Rongtau Hou - Nanjing University Of Information Science and Technology, China
- Prof. Tinghuai Ma - Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China
- Assoc. Prof. Bing Han - Xidian University, China
- Assoc Prof M. Roil Bilad - Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia
- Assoc Prof. Zulfan Adi - Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Masnizah Mohd - University Kebangsaan Malaysia
- Dr. Nordin Abu-Bakar - Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Malaysia
- Prof. Nursuriati Jamil - Universiti Teknologi Mara(UiTM) Malaysia
- Prof. Dr. Ir. H Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto, M.T - Universitas Komputer Indonesia
- Dr. Ir. Herman S.,MBA. - Universitas Komputer Indonesia
- Dr. Jeffry Handoko Putra, MT. - Universitas Komputer Indonesia
- Dr. Andi Harapan, M.T - Universitas Komputer Indonesia
- Dr. Dhini Dewiyanti Tantarto, M.T - Universitas Komputer Indonesia
- Dr. Henny, ST.,M.T - Universitas Komputer Indonesia
- Dr. Salmon Priadji Martana, ST.,M.T - Universitas Komputer Indonesia
- Dr. Y. Djoko Setiarto, ST., M.T - Universitas Komputer Indonesia
- Irfan Dwiguna Sumitra, M.Kom., Ph.D - Universitas Komputer Indonesia
- Dr. Ade Gafar Abdullah - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
- Dr. Eng. Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
- Syeilendra Pramuditya, PhD - Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- Prof. Dr. Norita Md Norwawi - Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
- Prof. Dr. Setyawan Purnama, M.Si - Universitas Gadjah Mada
- Dr. Sandra Sukmaning Adji - Universitas Terbuka
Full papers submitted to the conference will be peer reviewed. Upon acceptance, the paper that has been presented at the conference by one of the authors will be published in the IOP Conference Series. Material Science and Engineering, which will be indexed in Scopus, as well as Ei Compendex and Inspec.
Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 December 2019 Extended 7 January 2020
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 7 January 2020 Extended 14 January 2020
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 7 February 2020 Extended 14 February 2020
Payment Deadline: 7 February 2020 Extended 14 February 2020
Notification of Paper Review Result: 21 February 2020 Extended 28 February 2020
Revised Paper Submission Deadline: 28 February 2020 Extends 6 March 2020
Notification of Paper Acceptance: 7 March 2020 Extends 21 March 2020
Announcement of Presentation Schedule: 26 March 2020 Extends 4 June 2020
Conference Date: 2 April 2020 Extends 11 June 2020
- Indonesian Presenter : IDR 2.500.000 /paper
- Indonesian Presenter : IDR 2.000.000 /paper (Student)
- International Presenter and Participant : USD 300 /paper
- International Presenter and Participant (Student) : USD 200 /paper
- Indonesian Participant : IDR 750.000
- Indonesian Participant Student : IDR 500.000
- Bank Name: Bank Negara Indonesia
- Account Number: 1141121143
- Account Holder: INCITEST
[IMPORTANT] After making the payment, author MUST upload the transfer proof via this website (NOT Email). Author can upload by logging in to our submission system. Payment receipt can be downloaded directly from your account once your payment is confirmed by the committee. (The transferred fee is not refundable)
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Conference Chair: Dr. Lia Warlina
Technical Chair:
- Dr. Poni Sukaesih Kurniati, S.IP., M.Si.
- Bobi Kurniawan, S.T., M.Kom
- Senny Luckyardi, S.P
Unikom campus 17th Floor Jl. Dipatiukur No.102-118 Bandung – West Java, Indonesia. Check on Google Map
Email : incitest@email.unikom.ac.id
Full papers submitted to the conference will be peer reviewed. Upon acceptance, the paper that has been presented at the conference by one of the authors will be published in the IOP Conference Series: Material Science and Engineering, which will be indexed in Scopus, as well as El Compendex and Inspec.